
Prepare your dog for holiday

Knowing you have a holiday booked for some much sought-after relaxation away from work can be the highlight of your month, maybe even the year. However, a holiday can also come with a feeling of guilt, particularly if you have a pet at home that can't come with you. If you're worried about your dog missing you while you're away, then it's good to take a few pragmatic steps to ensuring you're not consumed with worry and your dog is happy.

Leave them with something familiar

Familiarity is always reassuring when it comes to being faced with an unusual environment. Leaving your dog with its favourite toy or regular blanket will help it feel reassured that it's not somewhere completely alien. If they don't currently have a favourite toy or blanket, then leave it in their bed for a few weeks in the run-up to your holiday.

Reward them with plenty of attention when you come back

There's no doubt that you'll probably miss them while you're away on holiday. When you come back, be sure to show them that they've been missed and reward them with hugs and all the attention you can give them. Being away from their owners is incredibly stressful for some owners, and so this provides a bit of reassurance and care.

Plenty of exercise

Anyone who has gone on holiday without their dog will know that dogs can often sense when change is in the air. In fact some dogs even hate the sight of suitcases. If you're only a day or so off of leaving, then it might be a good idea to take your dog out for an extra enjoyable walk. Provide plenty of games of fetch and go for an extra-long walk if you can. If you have dogwalking services London that usually take your dog out for a walk, then make the most of their service before you go, if you'll be out of the house or working.

Fuss, but don't stress

Of course you should be sure to give your dog plenty of fuss and attention, but try not to pass on any upset or stress to your dog before sending them to doggy day care. As you may be well aware by now, dogs are particularly sensitive to emotion, and you don't want to give them something to worry about before you leave.